Bro. Justin Knight
Senior Pastor

To preach and teach God’s Word is my passion. And to serve and care for God’s people is an honor. It’s something I’ve felt the call to since I was very young. When I was just a child, I determined that if the words of the Bible were true, then this book was the most important thing in the world. I decided that I wanted to know what God had to say about everything. His words have confused me from time to time, but they have never failed me. God’s promises are solid and we can trust that He keeps every one.
I was raised in and around Meridian, Mississippi. My wife Rachel and I met when we were in middle school and we’ve been married since 1999. Our son Duncan was born in 2004. I’ve served in many volunteer and ministry roles since I was a teenager, but I’ve been a pastor since 2002 and we’ve been here at Tylertown Baptist Church since 2010.
Along the way I received an Associate In Arts degree from Meridian Community College, a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mississippi College, and a Master Of Divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. But I count experience as the greatest teacher. I’ve been able to watch and learn from Godly men and women that the Lord has brought into my life. It’s a joy to serve alongside the other pastors and churches in our Walthall Baptist Association and the Mississippi Baptist Convention.
I’m blessed to serve on the Church Planting Committee of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board and have had the fortune to serve Mississippi Baptists in other associational roles in the counties where we’ve lived. Here at TBC, I’ve been proud to see our church reach out into the world with the Gospel. In recent years we have funded two translations of Campus Crusade For Christ’s film Jesus as a world-wide evangelistic tool, and we’ve personally assisted churches and missionaries by sending teams of our church members to Mexico, Brazil, Honduras, Nicaragua, New York, and Ohio. The mission of sharing the Gospel is at the heart of all we do here. What a joy to be part of God’s glorious plan!